Application Field

Marine Research

Regular checks and maintenance of underwater areas are crucial for keeping the ocean environment safe and healthy. When studying the environment in the sea, it's important to keep a close eye on what's happening underwater. Challenges like limited visibility and potential issues with water quality can affect the level of accuracy and success rate of marine research missions.

Equipped with an array of sensors and imaging devices, our underwater drones enable scientists to monitor ocean conditions, study marine life, and assess the impact of environmental changes. They're great at showing us what's going on beneath the surface, quickly spotting things like pollution or changes in habitats without making things complicated. In the active field of studying the ocean environment, where understanding and protecting marine life are top priorities, applying our drone is a smart choice. The benefits of our solution extend to cost-effective and efficient seafloor mapping, tracking marine species, and investigating underwater ecosystems. The deployment of our drone enhances the precision, scope, and accessibility of marine science, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of ocean dynamics.

Make high-quality inspections of the underwater structures even in turbid, high-current waters
Create interactive 3D maps for a fast and efficient infrastructure assessment
Reduce costs with a streamlined and simple inspection process
Interested? Get in touch with us to organize a first demo.
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of our underwater drone and its specs
Case Studies

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